There are few people on this earth I’m more thankful for than the Feely family. This crew has not only encouraged and helped kickstart my photography career, but has also been an invaluable support system for me and Samson in a particularly trying time in my life over the past year. They are a gift from God and pretty much anyone who’s ever crossed paths with them would say the exact same. Such wonderful people with hearts of gold, even their children!
So when everyone got news that little Selah was diagnosed with cancer, hearts broke everywhere. I know this because of the HUNDREDS of people I saw commenting on and sharing the posts on social media. These aren’t simply acquaintances that the Feelys have accumulated over time, they are true and genuine friends made from intentional bonding, interaction, gifts, favors, thoughtful texts, parties and all the other ways that this family touches the lives of everyone around them. Our hearts all broke because it just feels so helpless to watch these gentle souls endure unimaginable pain.
As expected though, the family began to face the journey head on and without blinking an eye at their faith in God. Inspiring everyone around them, as usual, they even started a Facebook page (Selah-Strong) to document their journey, share the good news as well as the bad, and anything worth noting in between. All in an effort to bring comfort, positivity, inspiration, raw emotion, and most of all to showcase that above all else their hope in the Lord would remain unshaken.
When Selah started to lose her hair due to the chemo treatments, Christina reached out to me and Kelsey for a fun idea she had. With the love and support of her husband, she wanted to not only shave her head to encourage her little girl, she wanted to let SELAH do it! Kelsey would be there to oversee the makeover and to clean up any loose ends Selah would miss, and I’d be there to document the fun. And that’s exactly what it was! No tears were necessary. Selah was having a blast, and we all were too. So much love all around the farm that afternoon as mom and daughter deepened their bond further than Selah will be able to understand anytime soon. One day I hope they get to look back on all these pictures to laugh, and cry, and reminisce on the goodness of God and all His beautiful promises.